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Reiten bei Sonnenuntergang oder Sonnenaufgang

Der Ausritt bei Sonnenuntergang oder Sonnenaufgang führt Sie auf einem wunderschönen Pfad weißer Straßen, zwischen den sanften Hügeln von Volterra, während der stimmungsvollen Stunden von Sonnenuntergang oder Sonnenaufgang. Am Ende des Spaziergangs wird auf dem Bio-Bauernhof Diacceroni ein Aperitif oder ein Frühstück serviert.

Während des Ausritts können Sie mit unseren erfahrenen Reitlehrern (FISE-Qualifikation als Bundesausbilder der zweiten Stufe) interagieren, die Sie sicher führen und Ihnen auf Italienisch und Englisch Kuriositäten und Anekdoten über die Welt des Reitens erzählen. Die Reitweise ist Englisch. Für die Sicherheit Ihrer Familie dürfen Kinder unter 14 Jahren nicht außerhalb der Reitbahn reiten.

Bei der Ankunft in unseren Stallungen erhalten Sie einen Schutzhelm und treffen das Pferd, das Sie während des Ausritts begleitet. Nach einer kurzen Einweisung mit dem Reitlehrer können Sie die Schönheiten unseres Landes auf dem Rücken der Pferde entlang der Route entlang des Gattero-Sees und des Era-Flusses entdecken. Bei Ihrer Rückkehr wird ein Aperitif oder Frühstück in der herrlichen Umgebung des Biobauernhofs Diacceroni serviert.

Diese Erfahrung ist von gutem Wetter abhängig.


€ 55 (Frühstück oder Aperitif inklusive)


Auf Anfrage


1 h und 30 min


Erfahrene Reiter


Reitschule des Bio-Bauernhofs Diacceroni – Google Maps-Koordinaten: 43.496455, 10.777665


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Diacceroni ExperiencesAusgezeichnetDiacceroni Experiences4.9 Basierend auf 254 Bewertungen vonAlle Rezensionen anzeigen bewerte uns aufSimona O.Simona O. ★★★★★ C'è una vasta scelta di esperienze che si possono vivere durante la vacanza, tra tutte noi abbiamo scelto la passeggiata a cavallo.È stata un'esperienza molto positiva grazie alla simpatia e professionalità di Airin.I cavalli sono molto docili e hanno tanto spazio per potersi muovere liberamente.La posizione degli agriturismi è spettacolare e si è completamente immersi nella natura.Da qui si possono facilmente raggiungere importanti città.Lo staff è molto disponibile e svolge il suo lavoro alla perfezione.È stata una vacanza indimenticabile e da rifare sicuramente.M. M.M. M. ★★★★★ Briilaint stay with Airin, Hassane and Kumar! We enjoyed pony riding and a one hour ride through Tuscany Feelds on the black horse Enzo! Our Kids have had fun!Response from the ownerThank you so much for the outstanding review! Giulia P.Giulia P. ★★★★★ Posto meraviglioso immerso tra le colline toscane nei pressi di Volterra…esperienza top con Sara! Addio al nubilato con cocktail class..drink ottimi di qualità altissima, complimenti a Sara preparatissima e simpaticissima! Il gruppo si è stra divertito ❤️Response from the ownerCiao Giulia,siamo strafelici che vi siate divertite ed abbiamo passato momenti spensierati e divertenti qui da noi!Sara é la nostra barlady più gettonata e le sue cocktail class sono una garanzia.Un caloroso saluto dalla Toscana! 🌞 Amy K.Amy K. ★★★★★ I attended the pasta making class. Firstly, the location is stunning, and secondly the start to end was a brilliant experience. Elena (I may have misspelt her name) was an amazing teacher! She was extremely thorough with her teaching, kind and helped me throughout! What an experience and I highly recommend! The food was delicious!Response from the ownerCiao Amrit,ILENIA ( her name may be a little difficult for foreign people! ) is one of our most valuable teachers and a top level chef too!Her cooking classes are always praised and her professional way of teaching is highly appreciated!We hope you will come back to Diacceroni again in the future to try new activities!Best regards 🤗 Althea Alba S.Althea Alba S. ★★★★★ Posto meraviglioso e personale gentilissimo!luise N.luise N. ★★★★★ Mine 2 hesteglade piger har haft den bedste ferie i deres liv fordi de fik lov at hjælpe til i stalden og med at passe hestene. De tilbragte alle vågne timer i den stald og Airin har lært dem så meget om ridning og heste generelt. Selv i sin pause tog hun ridebøger frem og viste dem hvordan hestens muskler fungerer. De vil altid huske den uge og vi kommer helt sikkert igen og besøger dem. TAK 🥰Response from the ownerThank you so much for this outstanding review! Kumar and Hassane are two fundamental elements of our amazing staff, we are glad you had such a good experience with them, and we look forward to hosting you again soon !!! Thomas K.Thomas K. ★★★★★ Wir haben einige der Angebote von Diacceroni ausprobiert: Pasta- und Pizzakurs, Kräuterkunde und Reitstunden.Ilenia hat uns viele gute Tipps für den perfekten Pastateig gegeben und das Highlight war dann die Verkostung der selbst geformten Nudelteile auf der Sonnenterrasse mit perfekt abgestimmten Saucen. Die Ravioli in Salbeibutter waren der Hammer 🤩.Auch die Reitstunden bei Airin können wir wärmstens weiterempfehlen. Sie hat unsere Größte in den ersten Tagen sehr gezielt auf dem Reitplatz trainiert und der krönende Abschluss war dann der Ausritt durch die umliegenden Hügel. Auch wenn es nur 5 Reitstunden waren, hat sie mehr gelernt als sonst beim Reiten in der Gruppe.Abschließend möchte ich noch die allgemeine Herzlichkeit und Gastfreundlichkeit aller Diacceroni Mitarbeiter hervorheben, wir haben uns sehr wohl bei euch gefühlt! Vielen Dank für eine perfekte Urlaubswoche!Response from the ownerDear Thomas,Thank you so much for your outstanding review! We are very glad to hear that you enjoyed our cooking masterclasses, horse riding lessons, and herbal laboratory!We look forward to hosting you again soon! 🤩 Cristina M.Cristina M. ★★★★☆ Posizione strepitosa e buoni servizi. Il team della scuderia è molto professionale e disponibile, ti senti subito “a casa”. Eccellenti gli istruttori di equitazione. Però….. poveri cavalli!!! Nei paddock sotto il sole cocente, senza nemmeno una tettoia e senza abbeveratoi !!!!Response from the ownerCara Cristina,Grazie di cuore per la tua valutazione positiva! Siamo felici che tu abbia percepito lo spirito di amicizia e familiarità che ci caratterizza qui all'Agriturismo Diacceroni. I nostri cavalli sono affidati alle cure del mitico Stefano, che si assicura costantemente che siano accuditi e curati al meglio.Cordiali saluti,Agriturismo Diacceroni.Grazie per la tua valutazione positiva! Ci fa piacere che hai sentito lo spirito di amicizia e familiarità presente qui, all'agriturismo Diacceroni! Anton K.Anton K. ★★★★★ Vi D.Vi D. ★★★★★ Magnifique expérience !Response from the ownerThank you Vi!We hopr you will come back soon to Diacceroni for new exciting activities!Warm greetings from Tuscany 🌞 Marina A.Marina A. ★★★★★ Esperienza bellissima, personale cordiale, disponibile, super flessibile a livello di orari e cambi, pronti a qualsiasi evenienza.. Il trattamento ricevuto durante le attività è stato impeccabileIrmgard O.Irmgard O. ★★★★★ Nach der Schnupperstunde am Montag, haben wir für die Kinder eine Reitstunde mit Ausritt gebucht. Die großartige Reitlehrerin Airin hat die Kinder sofort für die Pferde begeistert und sie konnten schon nach kurzer Zeit selbstständig auf Pluto und Art ausreiten. Danke, liebe Airin, dass Du ihnen dieses unvergessliche Erlebnis geschenkt hast!Response from the ownerDear Irmgard,thank you for you sweet words!Airin is a very passionate teacher who loves her horses so much!Her enthusiasm is contagious and her skills are top level!We are very happy that you enjoyed your experience so much!Warm greetings from Tuscany 🌞 Briana S.Briana S. ★★★★★ The kids herbal workshop was as much fun for me as it was for my boys. They had fun making the book and identifying the herbs! Ilenia was so good with the kids and the adults!!!Response from the ownerDear Briana,thank you very much! Ilenia is very professional but also so sweet and motherly with kids! She always manages to make them feel at ease and arouse their curiosity in every subject she teaches them!We are certain they will bring home those baggage of experiences and treasure it!Big hugs from all our Staff 🤗 Corne O.Corne O. ★★★★★ I did the pizza making course.Amir was a great instructor who clearly knows his craft.I learned a lot and nothing better than sharing my personally made pizza with my wife and a glass of wine afterwards.Response from the ownerDear Olivier,thank you for your kind words!We are glad that you enjoyed your experience and really hope you will come back to Diacceroni to try new exciting activities!!!Warm greetings from Tuscany ☀ Victoria Ramírez B.Victoria Ramírez B. ★★★★★ The truffle hunt excursion was so much fun. Our group found 4 truffles! Elia was a wonderful and the perfect guide for the truffle hunt, very kind , informative and engaging. He made sure our two kids felt included and encouraged them to be part of the hunt, my son grabbed one of the truffles from the ground which was a highlight !Response from the ownerDear Victoria,thank you very much for your kind words!Elia has been a truffle hunter for generations and this job is in his blood!He always puts passion and extreme care in his hunts and people adore him!We really hope to have you back at Diacceroni to try new experiences!Warm greetings from Tuscany!🌞 Jyri T.Jyri T. ★★★★★ Professional and informative wine tasting in legendary Tuscany environment. Thanks Alex for excellent show. Highly recommended 🍷🍾Response from the ownerDear Jyri,we are so happy to know that you apppreciated your wine experience so much!We hope you will also enjoy some other interesting activities we have planned at Diacceroni during your stay!Warm greetings from all the Staff 🤗 Scott P.Scott P. ★★★★★ The truffle hunt was wonderful!! Highly recommend. Our family had a blast.Response from the ownerDear Scott,it's been a real pleasure meeting you! You have a wonderful family and your daughters are soooo cute! 😍We really hope you will come back soon for another amazing holiday at Diacceroni!Warm greetings from Tuscany 🌞 Courtney E.Courtney E. ★★★★★ BEST PASTA MAKING CLASS! If you are looking for a pasta making class in Italy look no further. My husband and I just did a class here on our honeymoon. It was absolutely perfect. We made many types of pasta, then got to enjoy it on the terrace facing the Tuscan hills. We learned so much. Would totally recommend this to anyone wanting an authentic cooking class. Instructors were so fun and VERY Italian! They were passionate. Cooking area was very new and clean.Response from the ownerDear Courtney,thank you very much for your kind words!We pride ourselves on our friendly and professional staff who always manage to make our guests feel at home 😍We really hope that you will come back to Diacceroni for new exciting activities!!!Warm greetings from Tuscany 🌞 Danielle V.Danielle V. ★★★★★ Very Nice winetasting by our friendly host Alex! Loved the wonderful panoramic view and enjoyed a limoncello afterwardsResponse from the ownerDear Danielle,thank you for you kind words!We hope you will come back to Diacceroni for new exciting activities!Warm greetings from Tuscany!🌞We are happy that you enjoyed your experience so much!Big hugs from all the Staff 🤗 Brigit H.Brigit H. ★★★★★ It was a great experiance to go truffle hunting!We enjoyed every minute.Thank you!Response from the ownerDear Brigit,we are very happy that you enjoyed tour experience with our truffle hunter Elia and his dogs!We hope to have you back to our Agriturismo soon to try new activities!Warm greetings from Tuscany 🌞 Flaminia R.Flaminia R. ★★★★★ Esperienza stupenda - mitiche Ile e Rosy! Ci siamo divertite tantissimo !Response from the ownerCiao Flaminia,siamo davvero felici di avervi trasmesso una bella impressione facendovi vivere momenti di serenità e spensieratezza!Vi aspettiamo presto a Diacceroni per nuove esperienze!Un abbraccio da tutti noi! 🤗 Cinthya R.Cinthya R. ★★★★★ Jurin B.Jurin B. ★★★★★ Simone e Manuel il Top..posto fantastico tutto perfetto..grazieResponse from the ownerCiao Jurin,grazie mille! ❤️Ci auguriamo di riavervi presto nostri ospiti!Un abbraccio da tutto lo Staff🤗 dominga B.dominga B. ★★★★★ Simone e Manuel ottimi camerieri x una serata fantasticaResponse from the ownerGrazie Dominga!E' stato un piacere e vi aspettiamo nuovamente a Diacceroni ! 🤗 Claudia Garza C.Claudia Garza C. ★★★★★ Sono stata a cena con mio marito la scorsa settimana, il cibo ottimo, la visuale del panorama Toscano che offre questo posto è veramente meraviglioso. L'attenzione di Manuel, cameriere simpatico e attento ha fatto la nostra serata indimenticabile. Io vi consiglio pienamente di andarci!Response from the ownerCiao Claudia,grazie delle tue belle parole!Il nostro staff si adopera sempre al massimo per mettere a proprio agio i nostri ospiti e sembra che anche stavolta ci siamo riusciti!Ci auguriamo che tornerete presto a trovarci!Un abbraccio da tutti noi! 🤗 Kaylynn O.Kaylynn O. ★★★★★ The pasta class and dinner were absolutely incredible! The instructors were very patient and accommodating to our children. It was truly the highlight of our trip!Response from the ownerDear Kaylynn,we are so proud to have left such a good impression! ❤️Thank you very much for your kind words and big hugs to your beautiful family! 🤗 js_loader

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